Tricia Stehle

Rocking The ‘Boat’

  In the aftermath of the Larry Nassar fiasco this past week, I got to thinking about the courage to speak out, and speak up, and take action. I watched several of the videos of the courageous gymnasts who faced the accused, the judge-and the amazing way she handled...

The Mental Health Benefits Of Volunteering

Last Sunday (12/17/17), my family and I delivered Christmas- literally, to a family in need. This was our 8th year participating in this, and it never ceases to amaze me, the joy and ‘high’ that comes from participating in this program every year. It truly-never gets old. Fueled by...

Exercise Addiction

Exercise Addiction Note: This bi-weekly blog was inspired by my concern for a loved one, that without a doubt, is engaging in exercise addiction. My concern for this person, along with discussion with my own personal trainer about this issue, provided the impetus for this writing. Society is inundated...

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Psychiatric After Effects

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) And The Psychiatric After-Effects If you have ever known anyone that has suffered brain injury, whether from an accident, stroke or other medical complication, or, from aggressive, long term engagement in sports (ie. Football, Hockey), no doubt, you have seen them develop significant behavioral changes...

Coping With The Holidays

It seems to me that every year the holidays become more and more of a stressor. Perhaps, this has to do with the fact that the holiday season seems to start earlier and earlier. I can remember the days when the Christmas season started the day after Thanksgiving. Now,...

Secondary Trauma: Las Vegas

When I published my last blog 2 weeks ago, I had already selected the topic for this bi-weekly blog. I was pretty excited-as I was really getting things organized, ahead of the game, and about to leave for a conference in Las Vegas for my side business. Little did...

How to communicate with someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder

Frequently I am asked, how does one communicate with an individual that has either Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or Borderline Personality Disorder? Indeed, both are very challenging disorders to say the least, and it often feels like nothing that we say or do is good enough. These disorders are quite rigid,...